As Kirsty's life work continues to inspire people across the Commonwealth we are racing ahead. With so many fun fundraiser's getting involved this year. Rather than asking for more cash! Today we are asking the Nation to reach out and think of someone specially in need of a special Highland care break.
Maybe you know someone who is going through a tough time at home? We mean someone who is an unsung hero. Someone maybe looking after their children, or a family who are really hard grafters who look after other children.
A child who is looking after a sick parent brother or sister. We want to find a family this week who can be nominated for a special care break here at Trust House.
Someone here through Kirsty's Kids must know of family who should be nominated for a break? We want to help. Please share this message to friends and family so that we can find a special family in the Commonwealth and write to us at Kirstyskids.org Trust House, Lochailort, Highland, PH384LZ.
We want to hear your story and why they should be nominated. Please provide your name and address, the address of the family and a short story of why they should have a special care break so we can contact them.
This is a time for Kirsty's Kids to hear about families who are or have gone through tough times. A child who has been seriously ill and is now recovered, we want to hear from them so we can inspire other children who are fighting illness, trauma, abuse and despair. In hearing of those who have battled and gone on to overcome tragedy and challenging times we want to tell their story to inspire those children suffering now.
So come on we want to get your nominations and to find that special child who can come to Trust house with their guardian, family, carer or friend.
Who do you think deserves an all expenses paid serious fun care break? Maybe to visit the seals and the otters, go on a boat to visit the whales, maybe a child or parent with a child who has seriously impaired sight to go fishing "when we fish it's such a thrill and so thrilling even though we can't see what's going on below the waves".
Maybe a family who are victims of crime. Maybe a serviceman who has been injured with a young family. A parent with a child who has life limiting illness or short life expectancy or the other way round!
The point is you decide please let www.kirstyskids.org help and nominate a special family today.
John C Bryden.
Chairman Kirstyskids.org