We continue to work as a no overheads charity, we have no paid admin staff or outside admin volunteers, this makes for quite a challenge to keep up with the thank you letters.
This evening we received a very long list of people, in fact it takes up more than one ream of paper. These are the people who have donated to Kirsty's Kids since 1 January 2014.
It includes Blue Knights teddy bear picnics with kids and fundraising events all over the UK. We could not have delivered the care without this.
Today we have been provided with this list via virgin money giving sourced by our website guru.
Our challenge is to thank every person on this enormous list, both local and those so far away. Please forgive us if we haven't sent a letter out yet the response has been so overwhelming it may take some time. Years!
Please keep the donations coming. We have so much more to do and so many families who continue to gain from your unwavering support.
On the list of items needed is an eight seater, wheel chair access, mini bus. We will get there through continued support.
Thank you.
John C Bryden.
Chairman Kirstyskids.org